Friday, April 30, 2010

Shortcut to Important News

Try following me on Twitter (@FairKaye) to see the articles I find both important and informative. This is a crucial time for all patriotic Americans to stay involved and instructed in the real news of the day, not the current propaganda.

Today's Tweets and ReTweets:
# A crime against us all - Dust bowl, California-style at Power Line

# Wouldn’t “criminal fraud on historic scale” more accurately describe Democrats’ role in housing debacle?

# thomgough Puerto Rican people have rejected statehood three times since 1991! Besides a power grab why else would congress be trying to do this again? 5:33 PM Apr 28th via TweetDeck Retweeted by you and 7 others

# Why isn't abortion THE primary social justice issue among Catholics?

# Send your Repub. Senators a pair of balls since they don't have any of their own regarding >finance reform.

# Steve_Simon The charge of dereliction of duty against Obama needs to be made over & over until it sticks. Immigration... #teaparty Retweeted by you and 5 others

# Kris Kobach re: AZ law: "It's more about the politics of 2010 than it is about this particular law."

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