Saturday, March 21, 2009

Rubbing Our Noses in ACORN(s) Updated

Americans have watched ACORN with growing concern in the last number of years due to continued malfeasance in registering new voters and other questionable election activities. In several states they have faced lawsuits and investigations because of illegal acts such as turning in 75 registration forms from one person. But Obama defended and trained ACORN members during his days as a community organizer, so they grow more audacious every week.

As we reported earlier, ACORN turned up as a beneficiary of $1,000,000,000 in the hastily passed “Stimulus” Bill. Obama’s administration then sweetened the pot even more in the “emergency” funding of the federal government (Omnibus Bill) for the rest of the year with an additional $3,900,000,000. Taxpayers get the privilege of footing their expenses whether or not we agree with their goals.

Because Obama so graciously allowed the Census to stay with the Commerce Department, thereby avoiding his direct supervision, he has arranged for ACORN to become a major player in the 2010 census. This would give the group access to even more money, i.e., some of the $1,000,000,000 additional funds allotted to the Census in the “Stimulus” and some of the extra $3,100,000,000 in the Omnibus bill.

The bigger, more frightening problem is that the census must remain politically neutral if we are to have a chance at honest government since it will determine districts for the House of Representatives. Yet, ACORN only seems to turn in Democrat vote registrations and apparently only drives Democrat voters to the polls. To believe that they will be neutral during the Census is almost laughable.

This week we discovered that the people who have threatened AIG executives and demonstrated in front of their homes are from a group sharing office space with ACORN. The group is named Working Families for Connecticut, but one wonders how working people find so much time for bus trips and daylong demonstrations. And who pays for their printed placards proclaiming that “Capitalism Is Organized Crime"? Apparently, ACORN can also function as a handy “Rent A Mob” when needed for political theatre.

Sweetness and Light has even more information about this organization,

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