Tuesday, May 12, 2009

If The News Media Did Not Report It, Did It Really Happen?

Last Friday morning Archbishop Burke flew in from Rome to speak at the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast in Washington, DC. He was interrupted with standing ovations several times during the address, including the time he quite forcefully addressed the “greatest scandal” of Notre Dame conferring an honor on President Obama. On Saturday, a Washington Post headline proclaimed that the Vatican continues to remain silent about the Notre Dame commencement controversy. Sunday morning, the Associated Press sent out a similar story to all of their subscribers. Both reports gave the impression that Prolifers were making a mountain out of a molehill by condemning Notre Dame’s actions.

Both media outlets conveniently ignored the fact that Burke, former Archbishop of St. Louis, has been elevated to one of the highest offices in the Vatican (He was recently appointed to head the Catholic Church's highest court, the Apostolic Signatura) and that his public pronouncements reflect the “Vatican” position.*

When I was a kid, my mother punished me for lies of omission as well as spoken lies. Too bad no one calls out the media for ignoring that which they do not wish to acknowledge. Since they have the responsibility of watchdogs for our entire nation, their culpability is too great to even consider.

*Please note that the press frequently and willingly quotes "anonymous" sources in the Vatican which could be anyone from the janitor to a disgruntled prelate.

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