Thursday, February 19, 2009

Investigations for Thee, But Not for Me

Sen. Patrick Leahy recently issued yet another call for a Truth Commission to investigate the crimes of the Bush administration. With the assistance of the Democrats in office, it may yet happen. Throughout his eight years as president, Bush faced repeated attempts at investigations, impeachment, and removal from office, primarily because of his leadership of the war in Afghanistan and Iraq.

I am curious about the fact that no one has called for investigations, indictments, and Truth Commissions into the following politicians who seem to have been heavily involved in conflicts of interest, if not outright crimes.
1. Sen. Chris Dodd
2. Sen. Harry Reid
3. Sen. Hillary Clinton
4. Rep. Barney Frank
5. Rep. Charles Rangel
6. Rep. John Conyers
7. Rep. Jack Murtha
8. Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner
9. Former Sen. Tom Daschle

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