Friday, August 28, 2009

Good News!

On September 3, the chaplain and ten Episcopal nuns of the Society of All Saints’ Sisters of the Poor in Maryland will be received into the Catholic Church. How fitting that they chose the feast day of St. Gregory the Great for the occasion. Pope Gregory first attempted to go to Britain himself in order to convert the pagan Angles to Christianity. He sent Augustine (now known as St. Augustine of Canterbury) there on an evangelistic mission after he was not allowed to go himself. All Christians of Anglo-Saxon descent owe him a debt of gratitude.

Their chaplain, Fr. Warren Tanghe is the former rector of Church of Our Saviour in Atlanta where my two younger children and I attended. He graciously encouraged me to become a Catholic when I talked with him about my dissatisfaction with the Episcopal Church back in 1999. I've been delighted with my decision and now I am delighted that he has joined me and other ex-parishioners on this side of the Tiber.

Welcome home to you and the nuns!

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